A Response to My Critics
In: October (New York), 1995, Nr. 72, p. 81-88
”You can‘t always get what you want”: The Films of Alexander Kluge
Vortrag, New York, 28.10.1988
In: New German Critique, 1990, Nr. 49, p. 59-68
die herren machen das selber, daß ihnen die arme frau feind wird. ablehnungsgeschichten. English title follows
In: Eric Rentschler (Hg.): West German Filmmakers on Film. Vision and Voices. New York, London: Holmes & Meier 1988, p. 25-30
Speech by the Action Council for Women’s Liberation (excerpt)
– Jump Cut, 1987, Nr. 27
– Edith Hoshino Altbach, Jeanette Clausen, Dagmar Schultz, Naomi Stephen (Ed.): German Feminism: Readings in Politics and Literature. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 1984, p. 307-310
i like chaos, but i don’t know whether chaos likes me
In: Jump Cut, Nr. 27, 1982
Project Company Kindergarten
– Radical America (Madison, Wis.), 1970, Nr. 2, p. 70-78.
– Edith Hoshino Altbach (Ed.): From Feminism to Liberation. Cambridge, MA: Schenkman 1971, p. 231-240
In Stiglmayer, Alexandra (Hg.). Mass Rape: The War against Women in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Bison Books. pp. xvii–xxiii.
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