Gesa Zinn: „Humor and Irony in Helke Sander’s Cinematic and Written Texts“. In: South Central Review, 2003, No. 2-4, p. 131-142
Richard W. McCormick: “Rape and War, Gender and Nation, Victims and Victimizers: Helke Sander’s BeFreier und Befreite“. In: Camera Obscura, 2001, No. 46, S. 99-141
Richard W. McCormick: Gender, Film, and German History. Filmmaking by German Women Directors from Weimar to the Present“. In: Elke P. Frederiksen / Martha Kaarsberg Wallach (Hg.): Facing Fascism and Confrontoing the Past. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 2000. S. 245-267
Gesa Zinn: „Gender, Germans and Men in Helke Sander’s Die Deutschen und ihre Männer“. In: South Atlantic Review, 1999, Heft 2, S. 20-36
Sabine H. Smith: „Sexual Violence in German Culture. Rereading and Rewriting the Tradition“. Studien zum Theater, Film und Fernsehen, Vol. 26. Hg. Renate Möhrmann, Frankfurt a.M. 1998, S. 258-285
Gesa Zinn: „Gender Trouble, Female Subjects and the (His)story of (R)evolution in Helke Sander’s Oh Lucy“. In: Giovanna Covi (Hg.): Critical Studies on the Feminist Subject. Trento: Dipartimento di Scienze Filogiche e Storiche 1997, S. 307-333
Barbara Kosta: „Rape, Nation, and Remembering History: Helke Sander’s Liberators Take Liberties“. In: Patricia Herminghouse / Magda Mueller (Hg.): Gender and Germanness. Providence, RI: Berghahn 1997, S. 217-231
David J. Levin: „Taking Liberties with Liberties Taken. On the Politics of Helke Sander’s BeFreier und Befreite „. In: October (New York), 1995, Nr. 72, S. 65-77
Wiltrud Rosenzweig: „Some Very Personal Thoughts about the Accusations of Revisionism Made Against Helke Sander’s Film Liberators Take Liberties“. In: October (New York), 1995, Nr. 72, S. 79-80
Stuart Liebman, Annette Michelson, Andreas Huyssen, Silvia Kolbowski, Eric Santner: „Further Thoughts on Helke Sander’s Project“. In: October (New York), 1995, Nr. 72, S. 89-113. (Roundtable-Gespräch about BeFreier und Befreite
)Atina Grossmann: „A Question of Silence: The Rape of German Women by Occupation Soldiers“ (edited from German). In: October (New York), 1995, Nr. 72, S. 43-63. (Deutsch: „Eine Frage des Schweigens. Die Vergewaltigung deutscher Frauen durch Besatzungssoldaten. Zum historischen Hintergrund von Helke Sanders Film BeFreier und Befreite“. In: Frauen und Film, 1994, Nr. 54/55, S. 15-28.)
Gertrud Koch: „Blood, Sperm, and Tears“. In: October (New York), 1995, Nr. 72, S. 27-41 (German: „Blut, Sperma, Tränen“. In: Frauen und Film, 1994, Nr. 54/55, S. 13-14.)
Julia Knight: „Women and the New German Cinema“. London, New York: Verso Books 1992. (German: „Frauen und der Neue Deutsche Film“. Marburg: Hitzeroth 1995)
Ramona Curry: “’Frauen und Film’ – Then and Now”. In: Sandra Frieden, Richard W. McCormick, Vibeke R. Petersen, Laurie Melissa Vogelsang (Hg).: Gender and German Cinema. Feminist Interventions. Bd. 2. Providence, Oxford: Berg 1993, S. 299-308
Sheila K. Johnson: „The Crime. Rape. Helke Sander’s 1992 Documentary. BeFreier und Befreite. Krieg, Vergewaltigung, Kinder und Postmoderne“. In: Pacific Coast Philology, September 1993, S. 81-93
B. Ruby Rich: „She Says, He Says: The Power of the Narrator in Modernist Film Politics. (‚Part-Time Work of a Domestic Slave‘, The All-Around Reduced Personaltiy – Redupers)“. In: Discourse (Berkeley), 1983, Nr. 6, S. 31-46. – In: Sandra Frieden, Richard W. McCormick, Vibeke R. Petersen, Laurie Melissa Vogelsang (Hg).: Gender and German Cinema. Feminist Interventions. Bd. 1. Providence, Oxford: Berg 1993, S. 143-161
Ruth Perlmutter: „German Grotesque: Two New Films by Helke Sander and Ulrike Ottinger (The Trouble with Love, ‚The Mirror Image of Dorian Gray in the Yellow Press‘)“. In: Film Criticism, 1984/85, Nr. 2, S. 67-73. – In: Sandra Frieden, Richard W. McCormick, Vibeke R. Petersen, Laurie Melissa Vogelsang (Hg).: Gender and German Cinema. Feminist Interventions. Bd. 1. Providence, Oxford: Berg 1993, S. 167-177
Richard W. McCormick: „Re-Presenting the Student Movement: Helke Sander’s The Subjective Factor“ (edited and shortened). In: Sandra Frieden, Richard W. McCormick, Vibeke R. Petersen, Laurie Melissa Vogelsang (Hg.): Gender and German Cinema. Feminist Interventions. Bd. 2. Providence, Oxford: Berg 1993, S. 273-293
Miriam Hansen: „‚Frauen und Film‘ and Feminist Film Culture in West Germany“. In: Heresies, 1983, Nr. 16, S. 30-31. – Reprint in: Sandra Frieden, Richard W. McCormick, Vibeke R. Petersen, Laurie Melissa Vogelsang (Hg.): Gender and German Cinema. Feminist Interventions. Bd. 2. Providence, Oxford: Berg 1993, S. 293-298
Richard W. McCormick: „Re-Presenting History: The Subjective Factor by Helke Sander“. In: ders.: Politics of the Self: Feminism and the Postmodern in West German Literature and Film. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 1991, S. 207-228
Thomas Elsaesser: „New German Cinema. A History”. Houndsmill / New Brunswick, NJ: Macmillan / Rutgers University Press 1989
Regina Cornwell: „Frauen and Film. Helke Sander“. In: Village Voice, 8.11.1988
Miriam Hansen: „Messages in a Bottle?“. In: Screen, 1987, Nr. 4, S. 30-39
Thomas Elsaesser: „‚It started with the Images‘ – Some Notes on Political Filmmaking after Brecht in Germany: Helke Sander and Harun Farocki“. In: Discourse (Berkely), 7, 1985, p. 95-120
Lisa Katzman: „The All-Around Reduced Personality: Redupers. Women’s Art in Public“. In: Jump Cut, 1984, Nr. 29, S. 60-62
Uta Berg-Ganschow: „Contradictory Reality“. In: Jump Cut, 1984, Nr. 29 (about „Redupers“, translated from „Frauen und Film“ 1979)
Kaja Silvermann: „Helke Sander and the Will to Change“. In: Discourse (Berkeley), 1983, Nr. 6, S. 10-30
About BeFreier und Befreite – Liberators Take Liberties
Richard W. McCormick: “Rape and War, Gender and Nation, Victims and Victimizers: Helke Sander’s BeFreier und Befreite“. In: Camera Obscura, 2001, No. 46, S. 99-141
Marie-Luise Gättens: “Helke Sander’s Liberators Take Liberties and the Politics of History.” In Triangulated Vision: Women in Recent German Cinema. Eds. Ingeborg Majer O’Sickey and Ingeborg von Zadow. Albany: University of New York Press, 1998.
Barbara Kosta: ”Rape, Nation and Remembering History. Helke Sander’s Liberators Take Liberties“. In: Gender and Germaness. Cultural Productions of Nation. Eds. Patricia Herminghaus and Magda Mueller, Providence 1997
Sabine Smith: ”Sexual Violence in German Culture. Rereading and Rewriting the Tradition” (Ph.d. diss, University of California at Davis 1996), In: Studien zum Theater, Film und Fernsehen, hg. von Renate Möhrmann, Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, p.258-285
„There Should Be No Scissors in Your Mind“. An Interview with Helke Sander. By Stuart Liebman. In: Cineaste, Vol. XXI Nos. 1-2, New York, February 1995, p. 40-42.
David J. Levin: ”Taking Liberties with Liberties Taken: On the Politics of Helke Sander’s Befreier und Befreite“.October 72 (1995), p. 65-77
Andreas Huyssen, Silvia Kolbowski, Stuart Liebmann, Annette Michelson and Eric Santner: ”Round Table: Further Thoughts on Helke Sander’s Project” October 72 (1995) From p. 89
Journal „October“ New York, Nr. 72, 1995: Dispute about BeFreier und Befreite. Several articles.
Zinn: ”Film, Fiction, and Feminism: Politics in Helke Sander’s Cinematic and Literary Texts: Representation of Gender, Subjectivity Humor and Music”. Ph. D. diss University of Minnesota, 1995
Gertrud Koch: ”Blood, Sperm and Tears”, transl. Stuart Liebman. In: October 72 (1995), p. 27-41 (as in in FUF 54/55 , 1994)
Atina Grossmann: ”A Question of Silence: the Rape of German Women by Occupation Soldiers” October 72 (1995) p. 43-65 (as in in FUF 54/55 , 1994)
Rick McCormick: „Victims, Victimizers, and German Feminism: the Controversy about Helke Sander’s BeFreier und Befreite”, University of Minnesota, 1993, 12 pages
Miriam Hansen: „Frauen und Film and Feminist Film Culture in West Germany“. In: Sandra Frieden, Richard W. McCormick, Vibeke R. Petersen, Laurie Melissa Vogelsang (Ed.): Gender and German Cinema. Feminist Interventions, Volume Two: German Film History/German History in Film, Oxford 1993, Berg Publishers, p. 293-298
Iris Rogoff & D. Sherman: „From Ruins to Debris – The Feminization of Fascism in German History Museums“. In: Museum Culture – Histories/Theories/Spectacles. Minnesota University Press, 1993, 19 pages
Claire Corbett: ”Casualities Of War, Liberators Take Liberties: War, Rape and Children“. 1993 after a screening at the Australian National Documentary Conference 1992, University of Technology, Sydney Australien. (Claire Corbett is assistant editor on feature films, among others at Jane Campion’s The Piano.)
Sheila K. Johnson: „The Crime: Rape. Helke Sander’s 1992 Documentary BeFreier und Befreite. Krieg, Vergewaltigung, Kinder und die Postmoderne“. In: University San Antonio, Texas, USA, 16 pages
Vesna Kesic: ”War Violence against Women – a contested Memory”. In: Seminar in the Social Construction of Memory SOCI 122 Prof. Vera Zolberg, 21 pages (probably University in N.Y. in the 90ties)